+64 9 554 8912

Our Team

Our Team

Meet The Socialicity Team

Our team of experts is here with only one goal in mind – to grow your business.

Jane Hinton


Conor Gordon

Chief Project Manager

Karina Pearson

Social Media Manager

Umar Andrews

Email & Copy Expert

Simona Ramos

Content Production

Arsalan Mcgill

Paid Media Strategist

Why Socialicitiy?

We're Your One-Stop-Shop For Everything Marketing Related

Have a business idea that you’d like to take off the ground using social media marketing, or are you looking to increase the revenue of your existing operation? In that case, we’re the solution you’re looking for.

Strategic Approach

Every piece of content we produce is an intentional piece of the overall strategy.​

Return on Investment

While return on investment in social media may not be immediate, we have a way to make it so.​

Industry Expertise​

Our team consists of industry-vetted experts who have a proven track record of achieving results.​

Reliable Support

Our team of project managers is always here to help coordinate any project, idea, or request you have.


Deeper Overview Of Services We Provide

Social Media

Social Media

We manage all things related to social media, from management and content creation to advertising.



There are many different different ways to monetize your social audience, such as sponsorships, affiliate deals, email marketing and advertising.

Content Creation

Content Creation

Not only do we written content like blogs, we also create all your social media graphics, video content, polls, and everything in between.